Old Town Church to hold ‘Christians in Science’ event

Old Town Church to hold ‘Christians in Science’ event

Two part event will hear from speakers from a variety of theological perspectives

Augustine United Church will be hosting an event organised by Christians in Science this month exploring different views on the link between Christianity and science, including evolution and miracles. Their advert explains: 
We believe that science is a good gift from God, but that discoveries in it can often raise questions for the Church and Christian theology. We think that these are moments of excitement and opportunity, rather than threats or problems. At our conference we will explore some of these areas and think about how we can develop good thinking and practices for when science encounters Christian faith.”
There will be four speakers at the June 17th event -

Bethany Sollereder is the lecturer in Science and Religion at Edinburgh University. Her speciality is evolution and problem of suffering. She recently published a book entitled ‘Why is there suffering? Pick your own theological ending’ The author explains that she wrote it because ‘ I got tired of reading books where the authors knew all the answers and where people I’ve never met tried to explain to me the meaning of my deepest pain in abstract philosophical logic’ 

Zachary Ardern is an evolutionary biologist and Christian, a writer at the faith website capuringchristianity.com. He believes in the compatibility of the Bible and evolution. He has written articles on the overlap between Genesis and evolution, and the harmony between faith and science (See for example his piece for Peaceful Science magazine - https://peacefulscience.org/articles/zachary-ardern-resurrection-nd-reality/).

Dr Joanna Leidenhag is the lecturer in Theology and the Liberal Arts at the University of Leeds. She has written books on whether other creatures as well as man can appreciate God’s Creation as we do, in her work ‘Minding Creation’. 

Professor William Poon is the Lecturer in Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh University who has mingled together faith with physics research, previously spoken on themes such as ‘Science and the hiddenness of God: towards a kenotic theology of science’ and his 2023 article ‘ Is there a distinct quantum theology?’ 

To attend the event, you can buy tickets from £22 at this Eventbrite page -

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