Searching for Jesus in Mark’s Gospel

The Gospel of Mark

Five night talk series to be hosted at Catholic Cathedral

The Gospel of Mark in the New Testament is the shortest of the four Gospels, and a short series exploring it is being offered by Edinburgh’s St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral.

Over five nights this month, from the 23rd to the 27th October, Professor James Edwards will take attendees through the whole Gospel, looking at what it tells us about the person of Jesus. The aim is to help people who are Christians (and others) a chance to find and encounter him in the Gospel. The event is truly ecumenical- Professor James is himself a Presbyterian.
Professor James has a long and distinguished history in church service, beginning with a Masters in Divinity from Princeton University in 1970, up to his work as a consultant for Wycliffe Bible Translators. This was as well as a spell working with as Youth Minister at First Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, United States. He has also authored several books, from his 1992 Commentary on Romans, up to a yet-unpublished commentary on Genesis.

In terms of what the course covers, each night divided into two parts: the first is looking at how the Gospel of Mark was created and fits into the wider New Testament. There is then an interlude, followed by part two, looking closer at the details of Mark’s Jesus and his main attributes of authority, discipleship and faith.
(A short introduction to Mark’s Gospel: It is generally thought to have been written about 60AD by Mark (the ‘John Mark’ of the book of Acts), but at the dictation of St Peter, one of the original 12. It has 16 chapters and focuses largely on Jesus’ miracles and healings. The Sermon on the Mount is not in this Gospel. For a wider introduction see here: )

To watch an introductory video to the series, click here:

To sign up for the event through Eventbrite click here:

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