Statement of Faith

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
"2 Peter 1:3-4"


We believe in one God. Creator of heaven and earth who has revealed himself in three distinct Persons, Father, Son and The Holy Spirit yet is one in being. God is Holy, Righteous, Just, Good, Eternal, Sovereign, Gracious, Merciful, Unchanging, Infinite, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Love


We believe that God created the heavens and the earth in six literal days and rested on the seventh


We believe the bible comprised of the Old and New Testament to be the word of God, infallible and absolutely authoritative without omissions and errors. Written by different authors as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. We believe that God continuously speaks through the bible and it’s an example and guide for life. Therefore it is good for rebuking, teaching and approving persons of God.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is the begotten Son Of God. Conceived through the Holy Spirit by the virgin Mary. Divine and God incarnate yet a man. Born without a sinful nature. Lived a holy, righteous and perfect life without sin. He willingly offered Himself as a sacrifice and as an atonement for the past, present and future sins of all people when He was sentenced to be executed, so that He could justify those who would trust in Him for the forgiveness of their sins through faith. We believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross where he bore the sin for mankind on Himself and died, before being laid to rest in a tomb. Then on the third day He was physically resurrected back to life, at which point He defeated death. We believe that Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God and will return in great power and glory where He will reign on earth for one thousand years.


We believe that salvation is a gift of God given by grace through faith and trust in the complete work of Jesus Christ on the cross for the one that believes. We believe that there is no other way to be saved. We believe that good works alone will not save you, but good works, Holiness and righteousness can be a reflection of our trust in Jesus if we have put our faith in His complete work on the cross for our sins.


We believe that on the great day, the final judgement, after Jesus Christ has reigned on the earth for a thousand years. The earth will give up it's dead and every knee will bow before the throne of God. Only those who's names are found in the book of life will be saved. Everyone whose name is not written in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity. This is the second and final death.