
Edinburgh InterChurch Hub is a news and events hub for the whole Christian Community primarily in Edinburgh and Scottish regions.

This is a place where the whole range of Christian churches, ministries and activities serving the city of Edinburgh are advertised.
We realised that it was difficult for a Christian in Edinburgh to discover what Christian events are going on in the city and it was difficult for churches and Christian charities to advertise their events and activities beyond their own congregation, denomination or circle of contacts. Our website is designed to make advertising much easier and more effective, giving churches and Christians a large online audience for what they are offering.

This website also aims to broadcasts good news. We publish stories (especially positive ones!) of events and activities within the Christian community in Edinburgh without bias towards any denomination or church. We are doing this so people can hear about the many things churches and Christians are up to in the city.

The team behind the website is made up of four local Christians -Mesack Eboji, Duncan Whitty, David Watson and Christy Wong. We are not affiliated to any one denomination or church so that we can serve the whole church in the city. We have been helped by Edinburgh Churches Together whose partnership we are grateful for. We are also grateful for the generous financial donations given by Action of Churches Together Scotland, Edinburgh City Mission and Sir Tom Farmer which have allowed us to get the website up and running.

We really need your help so we can be a helpful resource for the church in the city. 

There are four ways you can help us:

1. Using our Events Management Platform to advertise your Christian events on our website. Or if you prefer you can advertise your event using the web form on the Home Page.

2. Sending us good news and encouraging testimonies that you would like to share for the glory of God.

3. Subscribing to our newsletters to get updates in your inbox.

4. Simply spreading the word, so people know about us.

Many thanks- InterChurch Hub Edinburgh team