Cramond Church to hold ‘Recording Church Artefacts’ event

Cramond Church to hold ‘Recording Church Artefacts’ event

Event comes in the midst of upcoming church closures across Edinburgh

Churches in Edinburgh wanting to learn about how to record and catalogue their church inventories, from a historical interest perspective, may be interested in attending an upcoming event on how to do just that.

It comes against the backdrop of the announcement last week that some 400 churches across Scotland will need to close in the coming years, and some of these are Edinburgh based. Delayed because of the pandemic, the ’Presbytery Planning’ process finally ended in December last year with around 30% of Church of Scotland churches earmarked for closure. There is already a centrally-organized merger process currently underway in the Church of Scotland churches across Edinburgh to blend parishes together, with many buildings set to shut.

Cramond Kirk in Edinburgh will be hosting the Scottish Churches Trust, whose training session will be “a quick, practical, hands-on insight into our "emergency" church recording methodology to record the contents of Scotland's closing churches” In terms of what the training focuses on, it is the movable contents of churches that are the main focus for preservation, rather than the external structures of church buildings, since the buildings themselves are likely to survive. Movable structures include things like pews, pulpits, organs, plaques and Communion articles. 

This will be a free one-day event. The link to sign up is here on Eventbrite -

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