Edinburgh church to host stirring testimony

Edinburgh church to host stirring testimony

St Paul's and St George’s Church will hear North Korean Christian's story of survival and witness in ‘Standing Strong’ event

Edinburgh Christians wanting a boost to their faith and to stand in solidarity with the persecuted church can come to hear a remarkable testimony at St Paul's and George's church on May the 13th. A North Korean called Hea Woo (her name has been changed for safety reasons) will tell the story of her time in a North Korean labour camp, and how she not only survived but evangelized her fellow prisoners.
Do not try to escape - you will be killed
'Do not try to escape - you will be killed' was the sign hanging in her camp where Hea Woo was kept, and many before her had died. Conditions in the camp were brutal - guards beat and kicked the prisoners, many of whom would never leave the camp. The grim reality of daily life is heard in Hea's words; “Constantly there were people dying. Death was a part of our daily life."
Despite these awful conditions, Hea felt led by God to try and convert some of her fellow inmates. She did this successfully, ending up with five disciples. They would gather together in the toilets of the camp, and Hea would risk her life by teaching them Bible verses and songs, sung at a barely audible level to avoid being overheard. One of them was Amazing Grace, of which Hea says:
There have been so many moments in my life where I should have died. But I'm still alive. Thanks to God's Amazing Grace.
As well as hearing Hea’s story, there will be time to pray and worship together, and an opportunity to interact with Hea Woo and ask her questions. The event is called ‘Standing Strong’ and organised by Open Doors UK and Ireland which is an organisation supporting Christians facing persecution around the world. The event is on Saturday 13th May from 10am-2.30pm.  


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