Central Church young people return from overseas mission trip

Central Church young people return from overseas mission trip

Young people from Tollcross church recount stories of their outreach on the island of Ibiza

A group of Central students have just returned home from an outreach trip to Ibiza with 24-7 Prayer. This the first short-term team 24-7 Prayer Ibiza have hosted since 2019, and the team are brimming with stories of how God was at work in and through them this week - here's some of them:

We were so blessed to see the power of prayer and action. To see how God works when you are actively loving a particular place and how when that is coupled with prayer you see God move, open doors and multiple ‘God incidences’.

One night we met a young man who was very intoxicated. As soon as we spoke to him he sobered up and he was so shocked. He asked how that could happen. We said that it was the Spirit of God in us blessing him. We asked if we could pray for him, he said that it’s interesting we said that because his grandparents are Christians and he said he’d love prayer. We then sat with him in the middle of the club praying together.
We met two ladies who were out clubbing and they asked us what we were doing and what 24-7 Prayer was ‘because of our t-shirts’. We told them we were Christians and that we love to pray for people to bless them. One lady said that we were too far gone for Jesus and it was a joy to tell her that no one is too far gone for Jesus and that she is totally loved. Then we sat and prayed with them that they would know Jesus’ love and blessing. 

We met a man who was struggling, we gave him water and chatted to him. He then told us that he was a club owner and was very wealthy. He was humbled by our kindness, to help someone that could afford help. We then saw him the next night on the strip, he said how struck he was by our kindness and wanted to ask more questions. We chatted with him and prayed with him. He then said that he didn’t have a bible so we gave him a bible and connected him with the church on the island.

A lady from my church back home had heard about the mission trip I had been on with some other Central students, and had been really inspired about what we did and how the team out there is really invested in praying for its community and building relationships. Together, we're now praying for breakthroughs in the relationships the church has in its community, and asking God to see how it can build on its prayer work.

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