Epiphany Group to hold reflection and meditation courses

Epiphany Group to hold reflection and meditation courses

The Christian group will hold events across Edinburgh in the near future.

Any Edinburgh believers interested in meditation and reflection as spiritual aids may like three upcoming courses being run by the Epiphany Group, in various locations across Edinburgh.
The Epiphany Group is a Christian outreach rooted in the Ignatian tradition, meaning they adhere closely to the writings and teaching of the 16 th -century Spaniard Ignatius of Loyola.
He was the author of a now famous Christian work The Spiritual Exercises, which is a guide to discerning the voice of God is one’s life. First published in 1548, it is broken up into four sections, or ’weeks’, each focused on a different aspect of the spiritual life. Epiphany Group uses these as the basis of their courses.
The first course they are running in Edinburgh is the ‘Journeying onward’ course, a 4-week on-or-offline retreat starting May 24 th in the Edinburgh Jesuit Centre. Their advert describes the course as
…the chance to take time to pray and reflect in the midst of ordinary life. It is open to all. No particular familiarity with prayer or faith is needed or expected. Each person starts from where they are, no matter what their experience of life or prayer.
The second course is called “The Blessings of Ruth: A quiet day for summer’. They describe in the course the value of speaking blessings:
What does it mean to bless a friend, or a stranger? To hear a blessing on ourselves? The act of speaking blessings runs like a golden thread through the book of Ruth, a story of loss and healing, being emptied and then finding your cup filled to overflowing. Ruth speaks to us of difficult decisions, finding the capacity for goodness within ourselves, and a God who wants to bless.
This Quiet Day offers a chance to pause and take time to rest with the blessings of Ruth. The day will draw on a mixture of reflective approaches and creative material including Scripture, art, poetry and music, and will include guided reflections and individual quiet time. The price includes lunch, coffee and cake. The Quiet Day can stand alone or, equally, act as an introduction to the reflections series, An Instinct of Kindness.
This course will run for a single day on 10 th June from 10.30am at the Church Centre, Christ Christ, 6a Morningside Road.
The group runs other regular courses such as their ‘Spiritual Conversation Training’, available to those who have completed their ‘Growth in Prayer and Reflective Living’ course.
A ‘God’s Invitation to Relationship’ course is also offered online.

For more on any of these events, see their ‘South-East Scotland’ course page at http://www.epiphanygroup.org.uk/in-your-area/south-east/

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