New online classroom set up by Peter Anderson of Edinburgh’s City on a Hill church

New online classroom set up by Peter Anderson of Edinburgh’s City on a Hill church

Global Classroom initiative will ‘equip the saints for the work of ministry’

A new online course has been launched by City on a Hill church in Edinburgh, working with the ‘Go Global’ ministry, aimed at equipping church leaders or would-be leaders to step up to their calling in their local congregation.

Using Ephesian 4.11-12 as its basis; “And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ”, the course will cover a variety of topics from Old and New Testament theology to modern church planting, as well as preaching, hermeneutics and more.

Their next course entitled ‘New Testament Overview’ is starting in April and is taught by George Alexander, former pastor at Liberty Church in Dunfermline. It will be taught over Zoom.

To access this and other courses, go online to the website, click on
the ‘Classroom’ tab and all available courses will then appear.

Speaking on the launch video, Pastor of City on a Hill Peter Anderson said ‘It’s an exciting adventure going on and I believe in the time to come we will be training, God willing, hundreds of people: training believers, training leaders, releasing church planters”

To see the full launch video go here:
More information can be gained by contacting City on a Hill through their website:

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