Edinburgh Council vote could strip churches of voting rights

Edinburgh Council vote could strip churches of voting rights

Archbishop pleas for help in Council vote

This month will see Edinburgh City Council’s ‘Children, Education and Families’ Committee hold a vote on whether the three Christian reps on the committee should be allowed to remain sitting on it. The vote could rob the Catholic Church of a say over what is taught in its Catholic schools in the city. It would also rob the wider church of input into the education (including religious education) in the schools in Edinburgh.

The Catholic Church’s representative on the Committee is Angela Campbell. Fiona Beveridge represents the Church of Scotland and Ruhy Parris is the other Christian rep. Commenting on the vote, Angela Campbell said: “Having the vote on matters which impact young people in the Catholic schools in Edinburgh is very important as it allows me to make a democratic and positive contribution to the decision-making process on educational matters."

The urgency of the vote and its consequences has been outlined in a letter published by Archbishop Leo Cushley, saying “This proposal poses a serious threat to the identity and Catholicity of our Catholic schools” and further pointed out it would potentially affect other faith-schools of other denominations. He asked parishioners to urgently contact their local councillors so they don’t approve the motion.

The vote will take place on 22nd June. Anyone wanting to contribute the campaign can get postcards meant to communicate this message at their local parish. More on the vote is available on the Archdiocese website here:

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