Edinburgh Archbishop gives Lent pro-life reflection

Edinburgh Archbishop gives Lent pro-life reflection

Leo Cushley reflects on connection between the innocent suffering of Christ and the innocent suffering of the unborn

During Holy Week, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh Leo Cushley has led an online ‘Stations of the Cross’, followed by an online message reaffirming the Church’s commitment to protecting the unborn. From the account of Christ’s Passion from the Gospel of Matthew, Archbishop Cushley stated his surprise at learning that claiming to be the Messiah in 1 st century Israel wasn’t actually an offence, but his detractors were using it as fodder for his execution. 
The Archbishop then made a link between this unjust persecution and the persecution of those engaged in 21st century pro-life and anti-abortion work. He said on the online video;
Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you do or what you say, you will be criticized, you will be convicted for your beliefs but nevertheless be of good cheer, because we are doing the right thing and doing it for the right reasons.
He said that pro-life work was motivated by the desire to help mothers and children in the most difficult, the most extreme of circumstances.
Finishing with a theological thought, the Archbishop thanked all those that had taken part and had remembered Christ as an innocent victim among many innocent victims.
If you would like to see the full message, the video can be viewed at https://archedinburgh.org/watch-pro-life-reflection-from-archbishop-cushley David Watson InterChurch Hub

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