Marriage has been defined as a union between two individuals, recognized legally, formally, and sociologically. It establishes certain rights and obligations between the couple.
According to the sociological definition, ‘marriage is considered a stable and enduring arrangement that is supported by society’.
Marriage, which is also referred to as matrimony or wedlock, is a union between two individuals that is culturally affirming and often legally binding. This union creates and establishes boundaries in relationships and family life. The biblical recommendation for marriage is recorded as follows: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”. However, the Christian faith considers marriage as a spiritual journey and a sacrament.
Jesus Christ often refers to the church as His "bride," using the metaphor of marriage to describe the spiritual relationship between Himself and His followers. It is important to note that while these definitions help to understand the concept, marriage itself extends beyond just two individuals, and no single definition can fully encompass the depth and complexity of what marriage truly means to people.
In the old kingdoms, people married for political reasons and to strengthen kingdoms, but nowadays; love, money, fame, and other factors affect the decisions to marry.
This book has been written after three years of research and twenty years of marriage. The topic of marriage has been around as far as creation story because God created the first marital union between two individuals, and He released a pattern and template for generations to come.
Marriage customs and celebrations differ globally, but the goal is to unite two individuals for a purpose. Marriage customs and celebrations differ globally, but the goal is to unite two individuals for a purpose.
A careful study of Scripture establishes what the context here suggests, which is that the problem with the man’s aloneness is not relational loneliness but rather that there is too great a task to be achieved; the man needs, not so much a companion or a lover (though the woman will be those) but a “helper” to work alongside him in the guarding and farming of the garden.
(Christopher Ash, Marriage: Sex in the Service of God).
Marital relationships are heavily guided by culturally determined norms, customs, and expectations (Berscheid,1995; Fiske et al., 1998).
Marriage is an intention of God for man in the plan to dominate the earth and replenish it.
Marriage is the act of two individuals publicly and officially committing to a permanent relationship. It is a union that is intended to last a lifetime, but it may end prematurely due to divorce or other circumstances. Marital partners are together for a purpose more so those who are in Christian marriages. They need to align to that purpose to avoid marital abuse. In (Revelations 22:17) the lord Jesus mentions ‘the spirit and the bride’.
Marriage is a legal agreement between two individuals who share a common vision and goal. The couple can decide to have their wedding in a registry office, licensed venue, or a place of worship. They may also choose to incorporate their religious beliefs into their ceremony. The church represents the bride of Christ, and He is coming again for her.
Every marriage is a life project. It must have a vision that guides those who are involved in it because marriage goes beyond our earthly lives, and it changes people unknowingly, alters our circumstances, and puts us in untested and uncharted territories.
In the beginning, after creating the first woman, God established the institution of marriage. This union between a man and woman is the most fundamental human relationship in God’s created world. As two individuals become one entity, a man leaves his parents to hold fast to his wife, and they become one flesh. This bond is even more fundamental than the parent-child relationship. The woman also leaves behind her father’s house to establish a new family unit with her husband. Under God, their commitment to each other is the most fundamental aspect of their lives. In the beginning, after creating the first woman, God established the institution of marriage. This union between a man and woman is the most fundamental human relationship in God’s created world. As two individuals become one entity, a man leaves his parents to hold fast to his wife, and they become one flesh. This bond is even more fundamental than the parent-child relationship. The woman also leaves behind her father’s house to establish a new family unit with her husband. Under God, their commitment to each other is the most fundamental aspect of their lives.
"Yet, despite its promising beginning, sin entered the world. The man failed to protect the garden and let down his guard, allowing the serpent to deceive his wife. Even though the man had heard God's command directly, he listened to his wife instead and sinned against God. In this fallen and cursed world, marriage, which is the most fundamental relationship, is not without severe pains and difficulties.
Fast forward thousands of years to Jesus' words. Even though sin has invaded God's creation and often causes husbands and wives to struggle against each other, Jesus reinforces God's vision of marriage in creation: "What God has joined together, let not man separate." Sin may challenge, but it does not overturn God's original design. Marriage is made to endure sin. God intends for the two to become one and not for the one to be torn apart into two. “God calls husbands, as the men, to faithfulness where the first man failed. God calls each man to guard and protect his wife and marriage with a holy zeal — first from his sin, and then from others. Her failures are no excuse for his. And for wives, his failures are no excuse for hers. Man and woman covenant with each other for “as long as we both shall live.”
Inevitably, they will sin against each other. Perhaps before the wedding day is over. Surely before the honeymoon is over. Sin will challenge the harmony of their relationship in some way. But God designed this covenant of marriage to hold them together in the hard times. Tough times are no surprise to marriage. Marriage was made for the tough times. Covenants are not mainly for easy times, but for the hardest.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
kindness is greatly underrated in many marriages because we assume the other party should feel our kindness but rather kindness is spoken, acted, and shown consistently, especially between husband and wife who may feel the impulse and temptation to be mean to each other, to lash out at that stubborn spouse whose always there and seems to make life harder. In God’s vision for marriage, however, there is no place for meanness or contempt between a husband and wife. Yes, loving corrections. Yes, hard conversations. Yes, forgiveness is requested and granted regularly, even daily. But never meanness. (Desiring
I believe in common courtesy and the scriptural guide of ‘do unto others what you will have them do unto you.
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Chapter 1- Marriage is a sacrament.
Chapter 2- Anger against the God of marriage.
Marriage is similar to religion and politics.
Chapter 3- secularization of the marital life.
Whatever is popular seems right.
Chapter 4- The goldilocks years of marriage ( 28-32)
To everything in life, there is a season.
Chapter 5- Birds of the same feather – the worldview factor.
Your view of marriage is your compass, it will lead you to your marital destiny.
Chapter 6- The hardest part of marriage – doing the word of God
It is not the absence of love that kills a marriage but the absence of friendship.
Chapter 7- Single and soaring- what happens after marriage?
Why do you want to marry?