Catholic convert tells of Edinburgh link

Catholic convert tells of Edinburgh link

American tells of his spell in Edinburgh and his journey to Rome in ‘There and back again’

A new book being published this Autumn by American evangelical Dwight Longnecker will tell of preaching in Edinburgh, and how it eventually led to his conversion to Catholicism. When he came to Scotland as a missionary in the late 1970s, he stayed in the homes of two American missionary families, one of whom lived on a council estate on the edge of Edinburgh. They had laboured hard but were seeing little growth.
He tells of how he was invited to street preach on Saturday nights on the Mound alongside a Scottish preacher and his wife, handing out Gospel leaflets. Trouble came to them however, when Edinburgh let out its pubs, with the reachers having to dodge hurled beer bottles – they in turn warned their assailants against God’s judgement on their behaviour!
Besides Edinburgh, the missionaries also carried out evangelism down in the Scottish Borders, and it was there that Dwight first felt the call to go into the Anglican Church. He returned to America but came back to Britain as an Anglican minister.
Eventually after more study he felt led to join the Catholic Church. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1995, back in his homeland in South Carolina.
Anyone wanting to learn more about Dwight Longnecker’s faith journey can pick up a copy of his story “There and Back Again: A Somewhat Spiritual Odyssey” when it is published this autumn by Ignatius Press ( website )

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