Appeal for Parliamentary Prayer Donations

Appeal for Parliamentary Prayer donations

Scotland United in Prayer for Parliament’ is just shy of its fundraising target

The Chairmen of 'Prayer for Parliament’, David Hewitt, has issued an appeal to help the group continue its work inside Parliament by helping cover overhead costs.

The group has been active for about 10 years and has just returned to in-person events following the pandemic.

Up to 100 gather may gather in the large seminar room at Holyrood with a few MSPs to pray for those that govern us and any relevant current issues. 

They reconvened with a meeting last month with about 60 participants at which the host was Murdo Fraser MSP, and in November they plan another one hosted by John Mason MSP.

Due to parliamentary rules, they are not allowed to make any charge at these events, though still have to pay for the overheads (around £220 per time).  

Around 100 people can attend the event, held in the large seminar room at Holyrood, with each session costing £220.  

Those wanting to contribute can do so by bank transfer using the following details:

Parliamentary Prayer Scotland

TSB Branch: Edinburgh Hanover Street

Sort Code: 10-13-01

Account No. 00978072

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