Sharing good news on Edinburgh’s streets

Sharing good news on Edinburgh’s streets

The Street Café project has been helping people find faith in Jesus for 19 years

The Street Café is a deceptively simple outreach, but one that is proving effective pavement, set up a table with a banner with ‘Street Café’ on it and Christian literature and offer free tea and coffee to those passing by. As they make a passer-by a drink, there is time to chat with them and often ask them a faith related question. This can lead to quite deep conversations.
Street Café was started in Edinburgh in 2004 by Paul James-Griffiths, and since then dozens of teams have emerged in Scotland, the rest of the UK and elsewhere. Paul says it’s a simple and effective way of sharing the good news of Jesus to thousands of people every year. Many of those who have volunteered with Street Café over the years have been so encouraged that they have been emboldened to share the gospel everywhere they go.
Of the many people Paul and his teams have shared the Gospel with, some have become Christians, and are now disciples of Christ; others are in the process of seeking God; but the majority are those who have heard the gospel explained to them for the first time. Much of the work is ploughing and sowing, with others reaping. Paul recounts how recently they shared Jesus over hot drinks with 20-30 individuals in a key location in Edinburgh. A Chinese student was so excited to meet us. ‘I have been wanting to understand Christianity for so long!’ she said. ‘And now I have met some Christians who can explain it.’ She was almost in tears as she was handed a Bible and read out a passage about God’s love for her. She will be followed up by one of the team.
A bunch of teenagers came to the table yesterday and hung around for ages, hearing the gospel of Christ, discussing God, and trying to work things through. One of them told me, ‘Only a few months ago I started to seriously think about God, whether he exists. Now I’ve met you and things seem to be falling into place. I’m not ready today to become a Christian, but this meeting is really significant for me.’

If you are interested in joining us in sharing the wonderful news of Jesus with others through Street Cafe, please contact Paul James-Griffiths:

Paul James-Griffiths
Christian Heritage Edinburgh
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07985 070899

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